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O Brasil / Brazil


1 de Janeiro - Confraternizacao Universal
Fevereiro/Marco - Carnaval (47 dias antes da Pascoa)
Abril - Pascoa
21 de Abril - Tiradentes
1 de Maio - Dia do Trabalho
7 de Setembro - Independencia do Brasil
12 de Outubro - Nossa Senhora Aparecida
2 de Novembro - Finados
15 de Novembro - Proclamacao da Republica
25 de Dezembro - Natal


Taller than Niagara Falls, twice as wide with 275 cascades spread in a horsehoe shape over nearly two miles of the Iguazu River, Iguazú Falls are the result of a volcanic eruption which left yet another large crack in the earth. During the rainy season of November - March, the rate of flow of water going over the falls may reach 450,000 cubic feet (12,750 cubic m) per second.

These matter of fact details do nothing to describe the grandeur of the falls, the tremendous amount of water (an average of 553 cubic feet per second) thundering down 269 feet, the tropical location and the sheer beauty that led Eleanor Roosevelt to say Poor Niagara. Four times the width of Niagara Falls, Iguazu Falls are divided by various islands into separate waterfalls. One of the best known is Devil's Throat, or Gargantua del Diablo with its perpetual spray high over the falls. Other notable falls are the San Martin, Bossetti, and Bernabe Mendez.

Iguazú Falls, called Foz do Iguaçu in Portuguese, and Cataratas del Iguazú in Spanish, lie on the Argentina - Brazil border and are a UNESCO World Natural Heritage Site. Getting there is an easy matter. Check flights from your area to locations in either Brazil or Argentina for connections to the falls. You can also browse for hotels and car rentals. The falls are part of a singular practically virgin jungle ecosystem protected by Argentine and Brazilian national parks on either side of the cascades.


Brazil (Portuguese: Brasil), officially the Federative Republic of Brazil, is the largest country in South America and the only Portuguese-speaking country in the Americas. It is the world's fifth largest country, both by geographical area and by population.

Bounded by the Atlantic Ocean on the east, Brazil has a coastline of over 7,491 kilometers (4,655 mi). It is bordered on the north by Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname and the French overseas department of French Guiana; on the northwest by Colombia; on the west by Bolivia and Peru; on the southwest by Argentina and Paraguay and on the south by Uruguay. Numerous archipelagos are part of the Brazilian territory, such as Fernando de Noronha, Rocas Atoll, Saint Peter and Paul Rocks, and Trindade and Martim Vaz.

Brazil was a colony of Portugal from the landing of Pedro Álvares Cabral in 1500 until its independence in 1822. Initially independent as the Brazilian Empire, the country has been a republic since 1889, although the bicameral legislature, now called Congress, dates back to 1824, when the first constitution was ratified. Its current Constitution defines Brazil as a Federal Republic. The Federation is formed by the union of the Federal District, the 26 States, and the 5,564 Municipalities.

Brazil is the world's eighth largest economy by nominal GDP and the ninth largest by purchasing power parity. Economic reforms have given the country new international recognition. Brazil is a founding member of the United Nations, the G20, Mercosul and the Union of South American Nations, and is one of the BRIC Countries (Brazil, Russia, India and China). Brazil is also home to a diversity of wildlife, natural environments, and extensive natural resources in a variety of protected habitats.



Há muito tempo, as belezas naturais e o carnaval conferem ao Brasil fama internacional, atraindo milhares de turistas durante o ano inteiro. A entrada de estrangeiros no País passou de uma média de 1,5 milhão de pessoas por ano na década de 1990 para mais de 4 milhões de visitantes do ano 2000 em diante, segundo o Anuário Estatístico da Embratur (Instituto Brasileiro de Turismo) de 2003. Mas há um atrativo especial que só se descobre ao chegar aqui: o povo brasileiro. Muito além das paisagens, o jeitinho de levar a vida dessa gente surpreende por sua simplicidade, disposição, esperança, hospitalidade e alegria.
Estudos realizados pela Embratur apontam que 75% dos turistas que buscam o Brasil como destino de férias o fazem, em primeiro lugar, pelas belezas naturais; mas quando chegam aqui, encontram tanta hospitalidade que logo se encantam também pela mistura de cores, raças e culturas dos “donos da casa”.
Segundo as pesquisas, quando questionados sobre o Brasil, os turistas estrangeiros apontam como uma das principais características de nosso povo a alegria. Alegria que se percebe em todos os momentos da estada no País – seja ela na nossa música, no calor das praias nordestinas, na badalada noite carioca ou na exuberante Amazônia.
Desse espírito caloroso e festivo nascem manifestações populares como o Carnaval, o Reveillon e as Festas Juninas, famosos pela animação e alegria. A vontade de mostrar o que há de bom no Brasil parece transformar esse vigor em criatividade, esbanjada nas cores e sons que contagiam quem estiver por perto.
Pesquisas realizadas com turistas internacionais que já tiveram a oportunidade de conhecer o Brasil revelam que o visitante indica e garante que o país é realmente lindo. Os resultados mostram, ainda, que 52% desse público volta para casa valorizando um outro aspecto desta terra: a sua gente. Afinal, além de apreciar alguns dos lugares mais belos do planeta – entre inúmeras praias, paraísos ecológicos e cidades históricas -, o visitante está sempre acompanhado de pessoas prontas a atender bem, e dispostas a mostrar o melhor de cada passeio, tornando a viagem inesquecível.


O carnaval é considerado uma das festas populares mais animadas e representativas do mundo. Tem sua origem no entrudo português, onde, no passado, as pessoas jogavam uma nas outras, água, ovos e farinha. O entrudo acontecia num período anterior a quaresma e, portanto, tinha um significado ligado à liberdade. Este sentido permanece até os dias de hoje no Carnaval.

História do Carnaval

O entrudo chegou ao Brasil por volta do século XVII e foi influenciado pelas festas carnavalescas que aconteciam na Europa. Em países como Itália e França, o carnaval ocorria em formas de desfiles urbanos, onde os carnavalescos usavam máscaras e fantasias. Personagens como a colombina, o pierrô e o Rei Momo também foram incorporados ao carnaval brasileiro, embora sejam de origem européia.

No Brasil, no final do século XIX, começam a aparecer os primeiros blocos carnavalescos, cordões e os famosos "corsos". Estes últimos, tornaram-se mais populares no começo dos séculos XX. As pessoas se fantasiavam, decoravam seus carros e, em grupos, desfilavam pelas ruas das cidades. Está ai a origem dos carros alegóricos, típicos das escolas de samba atuais.

No século XX, o carnaval foi crescendo e tornando-se cada vez mais uma festa popular. Esse crescimento ocorreu com a ajuda das marchinhas carnavalescas. As músicas deixavam o carnaval cada vez mais animado.

A primeira escola de samba surgiu no Rio de Janeiro e chamava-se Deixa Falar. Foi criada pelo sambista carioca chamado Ismael Silva. Anos mais tarde a Deixa Falar transformou-se na escola de samba Estácio de Sá. A partir dai o carnaval de rua começa a ganhar um novo formato. Começam a surgir novas escolas de samba no Rio de Janeiro e em São Paulo. Organizadas em Ligas de Escolas de Samba, começam os primeiros campeonatos para verificar qual escola de samba era mais bonita e animada.

Bonecos gigantes em Recife

O carnaval de rua manteve suas tradições originais na região Nordeste do Brasil. Em cidades como Recife e Olinda, as pessoas saem as ruas durante o carnaval no ritmo do frevo e do maracatu.

Os desfiles de bonecos gigantes, em Recife, são uma das principais atrações desta cidade durante o carnaval.

Na cidade de Salvador, existem os trios elétricos, embalados por músicas dançantes de cantores e grupos típicos da região. Na cidade destacam-se também os blocos negros como o Olodum e o Ileyaê, além dos blocos de rua e do Afoxé Filhos de Gandhi.

Escolas de Samba Vencedoras nos Últimos Carnavais no Rio de Janeiro :

1998 - Mangueira e Beija-Flor
1999 - Imperatriz Leopoldinese
2000 - Imperatriz Leopoldinese
2001 - Imperatriz Leopoldinese
2002 - Mangueira
2003 - Beija-Flor
2004 - Beija Flor
2005 - Beija-Flor
2006 - Unidos de Vila Isabel
2007 - Beija-Flor
2008 - Beija-Flor
2009 - Acadêmicos do Salgueiro
2010 - Unidos da Tijuca

Escolas de Samba Vencedoras nos Últimos Carnavais em São Paulo:

1998 - Vai-Vai
1999 - Vai-Vai, Gaviões da Fiel
2000 - Vai-Vai, X-9 Paulistana
2001 - Vai-Vai, Nenê de Vila Matilde
2002 - Gaviões da Fiel
2003 - Gaviões da Fiel
2004 - Mocidade Alegre
2005 - Império de Casa Verde
2006 - Império de Casa Verde
2007 - Mocidade Alegre
2008 - Vai-Vai
2009 - Mocidade Alegre
2010 - Rosas de Ouro



Em 22 de abril de 1500 chegava ao Brasil 13 caravelas portuguesas lideradas por Pedro Álvares Cabral. A primeira vista, eles acreditavam tratar-se de um grande monte, e chamaram-no de Monte Pascoal. No dia 26 de abril, foi celebrada a primeira missa no Brasil.

Após deixarem o local em direção à Índia, Cabral, na incerteza se a terra descoberta tratava-se de um continente ou de uma grande ilha, alterou o nome para Ilha de Vera Cruz. Após exploração realizada por outras expedições portuguesas, foi descoberto tratar-se realmente de um continente, e novamente o nome foi alterado. A nova terra passou a ser chamada de Terra de Santa Cruz. Somente depois da descoberta do pau-brasil, ocorrida no ano de 1511, nosso país passou a ser chamado pelo nome que conhecemos hoje: Brasil.

A descoberta do Brasil ocorreu no período das grandes navegações, quando Portugal e Espanha exploravam o oceano em busca de novas terras. Poucos anos antes da descoberta do Brasil, em 1492, Cristóvão Colombo, navegando pela Espanha, chegou a América, fato que ampliou as expectativas dos exploradores. Diante do fato de ambos terem as mesmas ambições e com objetivo de evitar guerras pela posse das terras, Portugal e Espanha assinaram o Tratado de Tordesilhas, em 1494. De acordo com este acordo, Portugal ficou com as terras recém descobertas que estavam a leste da linha imaginária ( 200 milhas a oeste das ilhas de Cabo Verde), enquanto a Espanha ficou com as terras a oeste desta linha.

Mesmo com a descoberta das terras brasileiras, Portugal continuava empenhado no comércio com as Índias, pois as especiarias que os portugueses encontravam lá eram de grande valia para sua comercialização na Europa. As especiarias comercializadas eram: cravo, pimenta, canela, noz moscada, gengibre, porcelanas orientais, seda, etc. Enquanto realizava este lucrativo comércio, Portugal realizava no Brasil o extrativismo do pau-brasil, explorando da Mata Atlântica toneladas da valiosa madeira, cuja tinta vermelha era comercializada na Europa. Neste caso foi utilizado o escambo, ou seja, os indígenas recebiam dos portugueses algumas bugigangas (apitos, espelhos e chocalhos) e davam em troca o trabalho no corte e carregamento das toras de madeira até as caravelas.

Foi somente a partir de 1530, com a expedição organizada por Martin Afonso de Souza, que a coroa portuguesa começou a interessar-se pela colonização da nova terra. Isso ocorreu, pois havia um grande receio dos portugueses em perderem as novas terras para invasores que haviam ficado de fora do tratado de Tordesilhas, como, por exemplo, franceses, holandeses e ingleses. Navegadores e piratas destes povos, estavam praticando a retirada ilegal de madeira de nossas matas. A colonização seria uma das formas de ocupar e proteger o território. Para tanto, os portugueses começaram a fazer experiências com o plantio da cana-de-açúcar, visando um promissor comércio desta mercadoria na Europa


School Vacation in Brazil (by Renata Schumman)

Since the seasons are opposites in Brazil and the United States, the school year there is also in a different order.

The long Summer vacation takes place from December to February, when a new school year starts. Winter break is usually two-weeks long in July.

Brazilian schools usually offer a foreign language in their curriculum. English is generally taught as a second language, and when a young professional looks for a job, the companies expect that the candidate can speak at least English as a second language.

Other languages that might be offered as a second language in schools are
French, Spanish, and German.

Brazilian holidays...we have a big list!!! It is normal if nobody answers the phone during Carnaval!!!

Brazil has a long list of Holidays. And if a Holiday comes to a Tuesday or Thursday, probably there will not be work on Monday or Friday. This is very common!

And Carnaval is a huge deal in Brazil! At least four days of incredible events everywhere: Samba in Rio and Sao Paulo, Axe Music in Bahia, Frevo in Pernambuco and much more!

Brazilians say that "the year begins after Carnaval". That's because events begin in the end of the year with Christmas and New Year's Eve and this "party spirit" will calm down only after Carnaval.

If you try to call an office, a company, an industry during Carnaval, and nobody answers the phone, that is completely is Carnaval!!!

Brazilian Holidays 2012

January 1, Confraternização Universal (national holiday);
February 20, Carnaval (optional);
February 21, Carnaval (optional);
February 22, quarta-feira de Cinzas (optional until 2 pm);
April 6, Paixão de Cristo (optional);
April 21, Tiradentes (national holiday);
May 1, Dia Mundial do Trabalho (national holiday);
June 7, Corpus Christi (optional);
September 7, Independência do Brasil (national holiday);
October 12, Nossa Senhora Aparecida (national holiday);
October 28, Dia do Servidor Público - art. 236 da Lei nº 8.112, de 11 de dezembro de 1990;
November 2, Finados (national holiday);
November 15, Proclamação da República (national holiday);
December 24 de dezembro, véspera do Natal (optional);
December 25, Natal (national holiday); e
December 31, véspera de Ano Novo (optional).

Opposite Seasons (by Renata Schumman)
Did you know that the seasons are opposite in Brazil and in the US? Curiously, when people is at the beach in the southern hemisphere, the inhabitants of the northern hemisphere are bundled up, enjoying a nice cup of tea or hot chocolate.

Remember to check the calendar when planning a trip down south:

December – March: Summer
March – June: Fall
June – September: Winter
September – December: Spring

Guarana, a Rainforest fruit and a refreshing soft drink

Guarana is a fruit found in the Rainforest of Amazon in Brazil. The word Guarana comes from the Guarani (one of the Native Brazilian Indians Tribes) and it means "fruit like the eyes of the people". It is red and looks like a coffee bean, but its seeds contain about twice the concentration of caffeine found in coffee beans. 
Guarana began to become famous in Brazil a long time ago (about 1920) when a soft drink was introduced in the market, the Guarana Champagne Antarctica. This brand and soft drink is still a great success in Brazil and in other countries in the world. That is so popular in Brazil, that Coca-Cola created its own Guarana brand: Guarana Kuat. Nowadays, there are other important beverage brands in Brazil that have its Guarana drink.
Visiting Brazil, you must try it! It is a little bit sweet, but refreshing! Guarana Kuat is sweeter than the original one, Guarana Antarctica. 

The Capital of Brazil is...


People often say that Sao Paulo is the capital of Brazil or that Rio de Janeiro is the capital of Brazil. They belong to a list of the most important cities in Brazil, but they are not the Capital, Brasília is the one

If you say that, it is not too bad! 

Please, never ask (or say) to a Brazilian if the capital of Brazil is Buenos Aires. That's too much!!! Buenos Aires is the capital of Argentina, another country located in South America. 

And do you want to know why not to do that? Argentina is the major rival of the Brazilian Soccer Team. That's why!!

Fork, Knife, and Napkins (by Renata Schumman)

When it comes to food, Brazilians use utensils to dig in. It’s considered impolite to eat with your bare hands.

Pizza, sandwiches, even hamburgers: you have to eat with fork and knife, or at least use a napkin to hold the food.

French fries may be the only exception to that rule, and only when eating at a fast food place. If you are eating at a restaurant, utensils are the way to go!

Brazilian Soap Operas - Much More than Entertainment for Housewives  (by Renata Schumman)

Soap operas started being produced in Brazil in the 50s for the radio. Since then, its importance has only gotten bigger.  Over the years, it evolved from being an ordinary entertainment to public service to a powerful marketing weapon.

At the beginning, it used to portrait the Brazilian way of life from the point of view of the middle class. Romantic stories would get the attention of entire families when TV wasn’t even around. With time, soap operas started getting more and more important and started changing its focus to other broad, more important subjects.

Nowadays, soap operas not only tell romantic stories, but also bring current social problems  to light, enticing discussions in the society. Some of the topics depicted in soap operas in the recent years include pedophilia, human trafficking, people with disabilities life, human cloning, etc. It is an efficient way to bring awareness about difficult problems to the society.

MARKETING WEAPON – soap operas are also a very powerful Marketing tool. Throughout the years, some soap operas became so popular that they become a “TV blockbuster”, they were a trend setter in slang, behavior, fashion. Some companies invest in merchandising inside a soap opera story to launch or establish different types of products, such as lipstick, perfume, shoes, cars, beverage, and so on.

EXPORTING PRODUCT – An average of 120 countries broadcast a Brazilian soap opera nowadays. The exported stories are edited to accommodate length and topics that may not be so popular in other countries, but without compromising the story being told.

FAMOUS SOAP OPERAS - The most popular soap operas in Brazil, and exported to other countries, were produced by Rede Globo, the Brazilian TV network that invests the most on soap operas productions. Among them, are:

*Da Cor do Pecado (Joao Emanuel Carneiro, 2004) – 100 countries

*Terra Nostra (Benedito Ruy Barbosa, 1999) – 95 countries

*O Clone (Gloria Perez, 2001) – 90 countries

*Escrava Isaura (1976) – over 80 countries, became a major success in China

Be careful with the "OK" sign!!!

In Brazil, the inverted American “OK” sign is an obscene gesture!

"Cafezinho" time! (by Renata Schumman)

Brazilians don’t “do” siesta.

In the past, the lunch break would last 2 hours, and the majority of people would go home to a homemade cooked meal. Throughout the years, this habit changed to a modern life, 1-hour long lunchtime, usually nearby or at the office.

But one thing hasn’t changed, even with the ever demanding modern life. The “cafezinho” time: after meals, especially at lunch time.

Cafezinho (diminutive of coffee) is a much-needed break that Brazilians take throughout the day. It’s a way to boost people’s energy due to its caffeine. It is also a way of socializing at work. Business meetings are usually accompanied by cafezinho breaks.

Next time you go to Brazil, make sure you take some time to enjoy our cafezinho.

Burping is impolite in Brazil

Please do not burp when you are with Brazilians. It is very impolite!

Please do not burp when you are eating with a Brazilian family, Brazilian friends or if you are in a Brazilian business lunch or dinner. It is very impolite too!

It is not that Brazilians do not burp at all. We try not to do it. However, when it is impossible to keep it "inside us" after, for example, drinking a soda, a polite Brazilian will hold back the burp and release the air slowly, without any noise. 

Brazilians speak Portuguese!

When I tell people that we, Brazilians, speak Portuguese, it is normal to see a ? or a ! on their faces. 
It is very common that people think we speak Spanish, as our neighbors in South America. 
Brazil was a colony from Portugal, that's why we do speak Portuguese.
Also, Brazil is the only Portuguese-speaking nation in the Americas.  

Real, The Brazilian Currency

Real (pl. Reais) is the present-day currency of Brazil. It is represented by the symbol R$.
Real was introduced on July 1, 1994, during the presidency of Itamar Franco, when Fernando Henrique Cardoso was the Minister of Finance, as part of a broader plan to stabilize the Brazilian economy, known as the Plano Real.
This monetary reform aimed to put an end to three decades of rampant inflation. At the time it was meant to have approximately fixed 1:1 exchange rate with the United States dollar. The current exchange rate is approximately R$ 2.00 to U$1.00.

Greeting a Brazilian in a Business Meeting


It is usual that men shake hands when greeting one another, while keeping eye contact. 
Backslapping can come with the shaking hands. Men do not kiss each other in Brazil.

At the same time, he can say:
- Bom dia (Good morning)/ Boa tarde (Good afternoon)/ Boa noite (Good evening)! Como vai? (How are you?) Prazer em conhece-lo (Nice to meet you) or Prazer em reve-lo (Nice to see you)!
- Oi (Hi) or Ola (Hi)! Como vai? (How are you?) Prazer em conhece-lo (Nice to meet you) or Prazer em reve-lo (Nice to see you)!
- Oi (Hi) or Ola (Hi)! Tudo bem? (How are you?) Prazer em conhece-lo (Nice to meet you) or Prazer em reve-lo (Nice to see you)!

Or he can answer:
-  Bom dia (Good morning)/ Boa tarde (Good afternoon)/ Boa noite (Good evening)! Tudo bem (I am fine)! Como vai? (How are you?) Prazer em conhece-lo tambem (Nice to meet you too) or Prazer em reve-lo (Nice to see you)!


Women can kiss each other or shake hands. Nowadays, it is more common that they shake hands, in the same way men do.

At the same time, she can say:
- Bom dia (Good morning)/ Boa tarde (Good afternoon)/ Boa noite (Good evening)! Como vai? (How are you?) Prazer em conhece-la (Nice to meet you) or Prazer em reve-la (Nice to see you)!
- Oi (Hi)! Como vai? (How are you?) Prazer em conhece-la (Nice to meet you) or Prazer em reve-la (Nice to see you)!
- Ola (Hi)! Como vai? (How are you?) Prazer em conhece-la (Nice to meet you) or Prazer em reve-la (Nice to see you)!

Or she can answer:
-  Bom dia (Good morning)/ Boa tarde (Good afternoon)/ Boa noite (Good evening)! Tudo bem (I am fine)! Como vai? (How are you?) Prazer em conhece-la (Nice to meet you too) or Prazer em reve-la (Nice to see you)!


They can shake hands, or kiss each other. In a first contact, it is more usual to shake hands.
Anyways, in a Business Meeting, when a man is introduced to a woman, I suggest shaking hands.

Also, if a Brazilian woman wants to shake hands with a man, she will extend her hand first.

At the same time, he or she can say:
- Bom dia (Good morning)/ Boa tarde (Good afternoon)/ Boa noite (Good evening)! Como vai? (How are you?) Prazer em conhece-lo or Prazer em conhece-la (Nice to meet you)! or
- Oi (Hi)! Como vai? (How are you?) Prazer em conhece-lo or Prazer em conhece-la (Nice to meet you) or Prazer em reve-lo (Nice to see you)! or or Prazer em reve-la (Nice to see you)!
- Ola (Hi)! Como vai? (How are you?) Prazer em conhece-lo or Prazer em conhece-la (Nice to meet you) or Prazer em reve-lo (Nice to see you) or Prazer em reve-la (Nice to see you)!

Or he can answer:
-  Bom dia (Good morning)/ Boa tarde (Good afternoon)/ Boa noite (Good evening)! Tudo bem (I am fine)! Como vai? (How are you?) Prazer em conhece-lo or Prazer em conhece-la (Nice to meet you) or Prazer em reve-lo (Nice to see you)  or Prazer em reve-la (Nice to see you)!

Important Notes:

Tudo bem 

- Tudo bem? as question and Tudo bem! as answer is very often used in Brazilian conversations. You can ask Tudo bem? for a person, thing or situation.
Tudo bem? or Tudo bem com voce? - How are you?
Tudo bem! - I am fine!

Tudo bem com o carro do Mateus? - Is everything ok with Mateus' car? (Maybe it was broken)
Tudo bem! - Everything is ok.

Tudo bem com o processo do seu divorcio? - Is everything ok with your divorce's process?
Tudo bem! - Everything is ok. 

Prazer em conhece-lo x Prazer em conhece-la - Nice to MEET you

- Prazer em conhece-lo - used when you direct your speech to a man or boy

- Prazer em conhece-la - used when you direct your speech to a woman or girl

Prazer em reve-lo x Prazer em reve-la - Nice to SEE you

- Prazer em reve-lo - used when you direct your speech to a man or boy

- Prazer em reve-la - used when you direct your speech to a woman or girl